Over the past month or two, I've talked to many of you and done my own research on what best practices for Slack might look like for our organization.

Here's what I think is a winning strategy, drawing on tidbits from David, Andreas, and plenty others of you all. These principles will help us keep making sense of our rapidly evolving workspace.

-@Rishi Tripathy



🧡 Thread it. Use threads like a crazy person - it should be ridiculously easy to discover, digest, and contribute to a discussion. Vertical real estate in a channel is sacred - always toss expanding links in threads, and delete previews in main thread unless mission-critical. Mute a thread that's no longer relevant to you.

⚾ Get outta here! Aim to leave or archive ~70% of your channels, leaving essential channels only. Then, mute ~70% of what remains. #-g-team-updates and All Hands will keep you in the loop on what's going on. Settings are now such that in most cases, no message is sent to the channel when someone leaves a channel. Leave at will, and don't feel bad about it!! 🀩 πŸ‚

Best way to leave channels: Right click and work your way down the sidebar. πŸ’¨ Poof!

Example: there's no reason there should be 40+ people in the #program-directors channel. If you need to get their attention, you can use @pd anywhere.


To quote our operating principles: **"I will do this for each of you, and expect the same of you for me."**

Before spinning up an #idea thread about something, consider: - Searching in #g-brainstorming and #g-i-have-an-idea to see if the topic has already been addressed - Adding more context or jotting down a quick proposal in a Notion doc so that people can review and give feedback thoughtfully as well! Key components: - Who will make the decision - Who is affected - On what timeline - Ask yourself who should be involved and share it within the appropriate context. (e.g. if it's purely an ODF-brainstorm, maybe odf-general instead of #-g-brainstorming)

We love the ability for our org structure to facilitate spontaneous ideas β€” as we grow, it's important we do this responsibly. Don't forget about [Nelly](<https://odteam.notion.site/Remoji-Dictionary-b63db8835bbf4120936d01c50eb7eedd>) when you spin one up!

*In progress - a way to collect and track where various ideas are going / which have been addressed.*


Emoji Reactions (remoji) are a huge part of the Slack experience. We can use these to scale our communication bandwidth. Here's a start - we can build up a lexicon as time goes on:

Remoji Dictionary

Pro Tips

Use these to supercharge your Slack usage! These are all Rishi-Approvedℒ️ productivity hacks.